Wednesday, April 5, 2017

1st post from my ramadhan blog

i want to delete the blog
so i compile the posts here

June 18, 2015
alhamdulillah. tiba-tiba Sya terfikir nak write out segala pengalaman Sya berkenaan Ramadhan. Pengalaman , emosi , perubahan yang dilakukan , kesedihan , kegembiran dan segalanya la. Insyaallah.

Bulan Ramadhan ialah bulan yang mulia. Bulan yang mana seluruh umat Islam menjalani ibadah berpuasa. sungguh istimewa. kerana tiada di bulan lain. ada solat terawih. ada sahur. ada berbuka. ada moreh. ada Malam Lailatulqadar. Subhanallah banyak sungguh kelebihan di Bulan Ramadhan. Tak terkira. masa inilah kita berlumba-lumba merebut pahala. nak buat perubahan. dan segalanya.

Bagi diri Sya, tahun ini sangat istimewa. Sya tak terikat sgt dengan UKM> maksudnya tidak la seperti sebelum ini yang Sya sedang study. sibuk mentelaah nota. kadang cuti sem. beria cari kerja part time sbb nak cari duit lebih. nak berbelanja untuk raya. tapi tahun ni, 2015 merupakan tahun akhir Sya. Alhamdulillah segala jenis exam yang mana termasuk bertulis, OSCE (ala ala practical exam yang ada stesen soalan, utk 1 jam stgh. setiap stesen 10 minit), presentation, dan pelbagai berakhir pada 17 June 2015. Manakala, puasa mula 18 June 2015.

tapi ada juga kecuali, 26 June 2015, Sya ada VIVA untuk research Sya. just that. lepas tu akan buat pembetulan dan cetak untuk kulit keras THESIS. Sya sentiasa berdoa agar urusan THESIS  ini dipermudahkan. Insyaallah. amin.

ok done pasal study tu. secara asasnya Sya dapat sambut awal Ramadhan dengan hati yang sangat tenang. tidak terburu-buru.

Sya nak mula didik diri agar ikhlas, sabar dan mudah untuk melakukan segala solat sunat. kerana solat sunat ini secara tak langsung menambah saham akhirat kita. mendidik kita khusyuk dalam menunaikan solat-solat fardhu. memupuk nilai sabar dalam diri untuk menghadapi dugaan dan cabaran dan pelbagai. *tak de rujukan mana tapi berdasarkan pembacaan lepas* Insyaallah Sya akan cuba quote dari mana-mana buku yang Sya baca. Ye satu nak solat sunat consistently
(solat sunat tahajjud, taubat, sebelum Subuh, Dhuha, sebelum zohor, selepas zohor, selepas maghrib, solat hajat, selepas isyak, istikharah dan witir). Sya nak mendalami ilmu lagi pasal solat2 sunat ini. Insyaallah.

selain itu, Sya perlahan-lahan nak didik diri supaya membaca dan memahami Al-Mathurat. Banyak sungguh zikir serta doa dalam Al-Mathurat ini. Sya ingat Mak Teh ada pesan yang kalau kita baca pagi dan petang Insyaallah kita akan berjaya. Manfaat lain ialah mendidik kita untuk sentiasa memuji Pencipta kita dan bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada. Terdapat satu doa yang sungguh tersentuh dan dekat dengan hati iaitu :Ya Allah, aku berlindung kepada-Mu daripada rasa sedih dan gelisah. Aku berlindung kepada-Mu daripada rasa lemah dan malas. Aku juga berlindung kepada-Mu daripada sikap pengecut dan bakhil serta daripada cengkaman hutang dan penindasa orang".

lastly my current aim is.. *yes my bahasa will campur-campur* for the moment. sbb nak improve both. next entry insyaallah bile confident level dah tinggi akan one language use for one entry.

ok next aim is, I want to change for good. Berubah mengarah kebaikan. yes. nak jadi insan yg berdisiplin yag tidak bermalasan yg menjaga waktu seperti menjaga diri sendiri. nk tinggalkan perkara2 yang tak baik mcm ..... berbohong , berlengah, bermalasan, leka, terlalu berhibur.. dan sekian sekian...

jom kta kongsi pasal Ramadhan pertama. Terawih pertama di masjid KLCC.(17 June ) mula niat nak solat dkt surau kuarters, tpi kngkn my Ummi akn berseorang, tekadkn niat utk iku ummi n ayah ke sana. ramai jemaah. Pagi tu baca di status FB, mak ngah Aina meninggal dunia. skit jantng. hati terdetik yg. Mati tidak mengira siapa.kemudian lepas bermaghrib (18 June) sebelum nak gerak ke surau untuk terawih , di status FB skali lagi, Abg Ngah kepada Abg Zal pula telah kembali ke rahmatullah. kerana accident. sekali lagi hati beristighfar. sungguh mati itu tidak mengira apa faktor. ak berasa risau kerana persiapan diri ke arah itu tidak seberapa. masih leka dengan pelbagai perkara. usia semakin meningkat sepatutnya usaha ke arah ibadah juga perlu meningkat. insyaallah. perlu lebih bersedia. kerana Mati itu tidak mengira apa.

lepas sahur Sya tak tidur sebaliknya Sya kemas rumah. mcm bersenam sedikit. alhamdulillah mendapat kesempatan untuk baca Quran , Dhuha dan Al-mathurat. sebelum zohor Sya tidur kjp. but, akhirnya Sya tidur smpi ke asar. x solat. Qadha di dlm Asar..

Berbuka dgn kuew tiow and mee goreng. back from terawih more story. well i will share it tomorrow. now its already 3.08 am 19 june 2015. got to sleep. nak bangun solat tahajjud dan taubat then terus sahur. will write soon.

*Ya Allah kurniakanlah kepadaku nikmat Ramadhan dan berikanlah aku kesempatan untuk merasai Malam Lailatulqadar"

Saturday, May 28, 2016

1st post

Assalamualaikum dan salam sayang 💖💖💖💖

What i imagined about creating this NASMS brand. Basically it is about what i dream of. The NASMS is a shortform of my full name Nur Aini Syakirah Mohd Shahidin. I want it to represent myself. I got a lot of realistic dreams in my mind it just that not-yet organized to which time to make it true.

After i graduated on august 2015, it is the end of learning formally phase and start a new phase of growing my wealth. I am officially completed my Occupational Therapy degree by August 2015. But my convocation was done on 31 October 2015. It was one of the best day of my life. Seriously. I still remembered the whole day moments. It was very mixture emotions of being able to complete my study. Alhamdulillah.

While waiting in between of convocation, I am not really ready to be in the therapy world yet. I had a lot of ideas and plans. But basically at that particular time I just want to stay close with my family, helped in house chores, do some furniture rearrangement and get rest enjoying TV shows or movies at home. My basic idea.

Allah's plan is the best right. So the opportunity or the offer of working back at grocery shop that located at the basement of my house block appear. My Ummi helped to arrange it for me and at the same time i reconnect with my previous partner knowing she is about to stop working then i replaced her spot.

I worked till January 2016. About 6 months old since August 2016. I learnt a lot of things. It also thought me a lot if life values, dealing with different stages of people, managing my time and working environment. It also made me realize about myself too. It also allowed me to get closed with my Creator too. It is learning process thou. I pretty enjoyed the whole 6 months. I got to experienced a lot of situation. From being in busiest, chaotic, relaxing, sweet, unexpected, expected, tired and lots more situations being at the grocery shop. The sallary is also acceptable for me.

Then due to some conflicts and issues i resigned immediately. And i got myself about 2 months home-stay time. Well i occupied most of the time with eat, sleep, watch tv and sometimes when i was in the phenomenal cleaning-house mood I do house cleaning. For me house cleaning and making the house looked organized provide healing and satisfying effect to me. I enjoyed the process. Especially when I see all the things in house are organized.

In between the home-stay phase and real work (as an Occupational therapist) phase, I got the time to hang out with my close friends and my family. During those phase, I lost few of people too. I got a chance to attend funeral and be helpful as much as i can. I helped my Ciksu to babysit Iman and Siddiq too before she wants to quit her job. During the babysitting Iman Siddiq, I met Kak Ina from Qaseh Gold. She was my felo during my UKM hostel time. She was the one that introduced to me Qaseh Gold opportunity. It is one of channel for me to give benefits to people and get into business line. It was good and just a simple introductory session. She shared with me the opportunity. I kind of like the way of it and put intention to get into it. Cause I like the concept that enables me to practice my prophet's Sunnah. It gives me world and hereafter benefits.

Then, Ciksu told me she wants to resurvey and update regarding Iman Siddiq application status at Tasputra Perkim. I accompanied her to Tasputra. It is a daycare centre for special need children. It was my industrial training back in 2013. Thus the supervisor recognised me and she offers a job as a therapist to me. It was like 40/60 moments for me. Cause I am not sure about me working back at Tasputra. After few discussion I agreed to work by second week of march. One of the main reason i agree to work is I got to help my family. Which I always hoped and prayed all the time for the opportunity to help my family members. Alhamdulillah Allah has tick the doa.

Before I worked at Tasputra, i joined IMKK March 2016 by Dr Azizan. It was great!!!!